- Record Test per USFS Instructions.
- Fill out all forms
- Upload Forms
- Upload Video & Rename
- Share video & forms with a link to testing@fscrrnm.org
Testers are responsible for organizing their own videographer, ice time, forms, and proctor. They are also responsible for uploading their own video and forms to a shareable link. There will be no refund of testing fees for missing the video submission deadline or for the video being rejected due to not meeting the standards.
Please refer to the USFS Instructions for complete details. Below you will find some helpful tips.
Recording Tips
Uploading Tips
- Record Horizontally
- Include Timestamp
- Announce Skater
- Keep Skater in Frame
- Proctor Signs Form
- Rename Video & All Files
- Upload Video & Forms to a Sharing Platform
- Turn Link Sharing On
- Email Links to Test Chair