
The MAC Freestyle Session Policy

The MAC Ice Membership

Skate Technician – We are proud to endorse our Member & Coach, Lisa Miller, for skate sharpening and general skate maintenance. You can contact her at


Moves in the Field Links – It helps you learn about the MITF Tests. Includes videos and helpful instructional content. You can get the app for free when you submit a personal video demonstrating the moves.

Learn to Skate USA – Includes challenges and badges for levels up to Free Skate 6. It also includes an Off-Ice tracker and challenges.

Freezio – A training app for jumps.


Sharp4Sports – Specialized Virtual Training Program

30 Day Skaters Challenge – Calendar and Videos

Entryeeze – Find a Competition

Artistry in Motion Program – Online classes and podcasts for Figure Skaters

USFSA Test Forms and MITF Diagrams

If you have any suggestions for our resource page, please let us know!